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Introductory Courses
Don't be alone. Let us help you begin your climbing journey so you can begin reaching your goals.
Which class fits you best?
Our First Adventure Membership is PERFECT for anyone considering to join the climbing community. Includes our two introductory climbing courses: Intro to Climbing and Intro to Movement. It provides you 30 days of climbing. Don't forget to check out the special deal at the end.
Considering to start climbing? Our certified instructors will literally show you the ropes to the sport of rock climbing in our Intro to Climbing course. Also, learn how to efficiently belay freely in our gym.
Learn the basic movements you need to begin seeing improvement on our climbing walls.
So, you've had the chance to get a better feel for the climbing wall. Are you ready to start climbing 5.9's and V3's? This is the course for you!
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